Huntington State Park

We were up very early today because Becky had planned an orienteering event and she had to get out her final controls before the competitors arrived. When we arrived at the car park at the State Park the sky was an eerie dark blue and we really felt the storm was on its way, but within half an hour the clouds had rolled in and although there was a fresh wind across the top of the hill, thankfully the rain held off.

Neil had kindly offered to take us to Boston after the event so we ate at the Blue Colony Diner one of those all American diners which looks like a train carriage, said our goodbyes to Becky and then headed north. After a tough journey in heavy traffic and rain we have finally arrived at Rog and Anne's and are relaxing with the family.

Just heard from Becks and it is still quiet in New Haven. They are staying at home for the next couple of days. Fingers crossed that Sandy turns out to be at worst just a heavy storm.

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