Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Sunday — Calla Lilies

The pot with plants was given to us years ago, but back then we had no idea it included a calla lily until months afterward when the first lily appeared. Now the lily has completely taken over the entire planter. If I were a quality gardener, I’d trim the dead blossoms and the ragged snail chewed leaves, but I’m not so it hangs there on the limb of the tree “au naturel.”

After a bright early morning sun, a thin veil of clouds drifted over and eventually thickened to a flannel gray, and even though it looked like a cold winter’s day, it was actually warm with hints of humidity.

I was in the house most of the day dusting, cleaning, and continuing to un-clutter, so capturing a photo was far from my thoughts. I stepped outside with the three pups and when I saw the white blossoms, all I thought was “Blip!”

Spring break officially ends tomorrow at the campus where I teach. Most of my college students will tell me that for spring break all they did was work more hours at their jobs.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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