
I've been pretty stressed over the last couple of days, worrying about my injured foot and kicking myself for attempting a stupid challenge and probably de-railing the marathon attempt. It got to the point that I could barely walk and thinking of running 26 miles was bordering on ridiculous.

This morning I thought I might as well give it a go. If I didn't manage it then I'd have to do another one because of all the sponsorship and the thought of going through it all again made me pretty determined.

Got to the start line in driving rain and strong winds. Not ideal.

As soon as we started running, my foot eased into the motion and didn't give me too much of a problem. The first half was even quite pleasant. I was running with an old friend of ours, Ruth, who lost her dad last year, fairly suddenly, to cancer. It was nice to have company and we encouraged each other at various points.

It was long, the winds were brutal and I was in constant pain for most of the second half, but it felt absolutely amazing to finish. From wondering if I'd even make it round, to finishing in five hours....I still can't quite believe it.

Shout out to ma and pa for being such excellent cheerleaders and putting up with two days of my grumpiness.

Thanks to everyone for the messages of support!

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