More Signs of Spring
Lovely, lovely walk today out on the coast heading east and south of Dowlaw. Nesting Fulmars, passing Gannets, flighty Wheatears, bobbing Guillemots and Razorbills, and lambs galore. All under hazy blue skies.
The Fulmars were great, and I kept trying to use some natural studio lighting (see the extra) with a narrow band of sunlight, against the shadowy rocks behind. Never 'quite' grabbed the shot I wanted.
Run down was in Keats, and he behaved impeccably, and for once we saw another classic Mini as we headed back (a beautifully turned out Minivan, in dark metallic blue, very much pimped, but not 'overly'). Little flash of the lights, and a wave, as we headed in opposite directions (we've actually got a classic car run at the end of this month, then a BIG Mini event at the end of May).
Slightly better on the bike with the turbo, so feeling a 'little' better at the thought of the 66 mile, 6000ft of climbing, Sportive next Saturday (done the distance and climbing in the past, but given I've not been out on a 'proper' road bike since the arm break last June....).
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