
By Cygnus

Terracotta General

We went to the 'China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors' exhibition at Liverpool's World Museum today. It was really informative and interesting and would definitely encourage me to study some more Chinese history.

While we were in the Museum there was a minute's silence to remember the people who perished in the Hillsborough disaster and most people did stop and mark the silence; it was very moving.

The Precious got in touch to show us a picture of the lovely things in her 'baby box'. The Scottish government gifts a box to all new mothers, just like the practice in Scandinavian countries. It's a great idea, with lots of really useful clothing.

Now off home with number 1 peanut to cook something for dinner, before I head home again tomorrow. It has been a really lovely weekend and so good to catch up with my gorgeous girl. :)

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