
...and bushy-tailed

meow- meow... couldn't you have thought of something more creative

what? you don't like the title...

meep... it's so expected - and ordinary

well - you are very wide-eyed, princess... you were coming at me super fast before i snapped you - catching me off guard...

meow - meow - meow... i've been practicing my spooky - scary - halloween looks... whatdaya think? meep... am i frightening...

giggle... oh princess diva - perhaps it's because i know you... i can't help but giggle just a bit... scary isn't the exact word i'd use here - though...

meep - meep... but the "kitty times" explained for us to raise our brows a bit - and open our eyes really, really wide like that... "be expressive", it said... you don't think it worked? maybe at night - when the lights are off - if my face was in the window and an unsuspecting stranger passed by... meep...

ooh... now you're talking, gracie... strangers in the night - dark windows... maybe we should give it a try - put a candle up by your face, too and really scare the bejeebers out of 'em... if you're into that kind of thing - i can see it making for...


happy day.....

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