RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography


One of our Audubon chapter's largest fund raising campaigns. For the whole month of April we have teams going to various places around Santa Clara County (SF Bay Area) and birding. Team leaders are volunteers responsible for getting their team to solicit donations for the Birdathon effort. One team has already raised over $2000.00!

The main image is a White-tailed Kite that we found near the chapter office. The others are from the south San Jose open space area. We are still blessed with many areas that are preserved or set aside from development for nature and wildlife.


PS - I'm freshly back from a bit of a Blipfoto hiatus and want to continue posting everyday. So, my life priorities right now are:

1. Taking photos for Blip
2. Writing and responding to comments
3. Family (J and two dogs)
4. Work (the main reason for the hiatus)
5. Enjoying life!

Unfortunately, I get my priorities mixed up and family takes precedent mostly, but getting posted each day takes precedent too. I appreciate all your comments, stars and faves - you all make me happy that I came back. Know that I will be around to all of you to praise your amazing work and continue the camaraderie. I just need some time to get back in the groove.

Thank You! 

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