
By momcat1

I'm hiding behind this twig

Sitting here eating where no-one can see me and I am safe.
Went to Sapsucker woods today hoping for some warblers. It was almost 70 yesterday but today in Ithaca it was gray , cold and windy. Did Mention it was cold? Not a big birding day - though there were wood ducks on the pond with the geese and a few mergansers. Many different types of woodpeckers and the namesake sapsuckers were heard but not seen. There were gmoldencrowned kinglets there too and they were visible. We did luck out a little and the small pond had a couple of phoebes chasing each other and I am pretty sure I saw a cape may warbler .Overall the only decent photo was the chipmunk! But I did get excited as first thing this AM a towhee ! was gleaning sunflower seeds off the ground under the feeder. Photo is a not great as it was shot through the window and screen since I was afraid he'd take off as soon as I went out - and he did! 

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