
Three years of blipping. Blip Blip Hooray!
As you can see, I'm beset and possessed from my tiny Hanullis.
I really like to work with them :-)
I'm gratefull of all blippers, who still have a look at my journal, despite of my horrible lack of commenting back. I have to appologize, but live is sometimes a challenging one.
(For example it is now 3:40am. T. was in a disco for the first time with her youth group, we (J. and me) enjoyed a crazy and funny evening in an amateur theater, R. felt very sick and panicked slightly. I think it is caused by obstipation and tried to tell him about a colon massage via whatsapp, I blipped, T. was back from the disco and had to be picked up 15 km away, Omo needed some play (he hates to have to stay alone at home), M. came home at 1am and needed some help with the late night baking of a Donauwelle for a first communion tomorrow...)
You can't imagine how much Blip means to me. It is my daily break out, my moment of creativity and relaxing and I also love your inspirational journals and I love to see the world through the eyes of many blippers.
A day should have 36 hours (and added 8 hours for a propper sleep :-D  ), but I've to do it in 24 hours, so I'm always too short of time.
So I use this opportunity to say THANK YOU for all your views, stars, hearts and comments on my journal. 
I REALLY appreciate every single one.
And a big THANK YOU for the bunch, known as fabulous four, who keep this unique site running in the background. :-)
I still love to work on my second journal, called the Hanullis Tree Project, in which I try to follow ONE TREE over one year.
And I love hosting my weekly challenge TiPS or Tiny People Sunday/week. It is so much fun to see all these creative adventures of tiny people. :-))
Blippers, you are a fabulous  and unique community :-)

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