At My Feeder
A crazy ol' day weather wise but that is exactly what we were expecting. Rain, freezing rain, ice pellets, sleet, snow...repeat. A long period of freezing rain is expected tonight and all Sunday which is supposed to be the worst of the storm. Hard to say whether we will see the full effects or not.
I decided to stay in and get some chores done. Watching my feeder on and off was a highlight as there were so many birds visiting...and one squirrel. The male cardinal would sit in the tree next to my feeder and watch the squirrel. Not sure if he was trying to get him to move on but I think the squirrel did a great job of clearing ice so that the cardinals could get at the seed easier. Have also seen American Goldfinches, various sparrows, Juncos and a Red-Breasted Nuthatch.
Spring? Where are you? Hope your weekend is going well : )
D x
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