Juvenile Swan
The sun was shining today and, for most of the time, it was quite warm - almost hot!
I am busy working on a photobook of our recent family holiday to Somerset, so collecting in photos from the others and preparing them for inclusion into the book. Photobox had a really good offer for 100 x A4 pages - I bought three vouchers (one for each family) but have only a two week window for completion. Fortunately this is not a difficult book as it's all photos with minimum text. With several people contributing the images, it is making a varied and interesting collection and a good representation of the week seen from different viewpoints.
Towards the end of the afternoon I needed some fresh air and took Pepper out - driving a few miles to a local reservoir where there is a pleasant walk. There are always a few swans and today it seemed to be a parent with two juveniles - they were not keen on seeing the dog and were hissing quite a bit - Pepper too was rather wary, At least the darker feathers give a bit of interest on the otherwise all white of the adult.
Thank you to those who have provided advice and knowledge on our Motor home decision. We feel we have learned a lot in the past few days and now need to actually experience the reality. I think it will suit us well and Pepper will certainly enjoy it!
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