All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Dryburgh Abbey

Hubbie & I had booked a night away with Ethan at Dryburgh Abbey Hotel tonight. I hadn’t appreciated that it was literally right beside the ruined abbey. As we still have Historic Scotland membership we decided to go for a wander round it. Ethan wasn’t best pleased about this as he wanted to go straight in the hotel swimming pool but he cheered up a wee bit when we “earnt” him a chocolate Easter egg by doing the Easter hunt in the Abbey.

As it was a glorious day (unlike Livingston there is no snow in the Borders today) we also went for a walk to a local William Wallace statue.

Back to the hotel for dinner, then finally, to Ethan’s relief, in to the pool for a swim.

He was VERY late to sleep tonight!

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