Bank Of Grandma, Maidstone

It's started to enter the busy season at work where deadlines start to run into each other. As my work photography increases (deadlines tend to always go two to three weeks over year after year) so my own personal photography drops away. It always takes me a little while to get over the stress and exhaustion and think creatively again (I hope that doesn't sound too poncy!) - hence the gap between blips.
Got up earlier than usual today to go for an early morning run - it was so beautiful, if slightly cold. After a nice breakfast, a long soak and a bit of a nap it was time for a quick trip into town to treat myself to a book and a couple of CDs I wanted.
Today's shot was just a lucky moment after I came out of Marks and Sparks. I'd read a bout how now it's no longer just bank of Mum and Dad but it's now getting towards bank of Grandma and Grandad as people's finances are continually being squeezed. I just imagined that the boy sitting on the wall was waiting for his Grandma and she just happened to walk right under the "Pay Machine" sign - a fanciful notion but it popped into my head anyway!

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