The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

How Clean Is Your House?

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I am going slightly mad. The weather was hideous and I was bored this morning. I decided to do some of the annoying cleaning jobs that only need down once in a blue moon (ie never).

I was like a woman possessed. I dusted the tops of door frames and washed walls. I reorganised things which were perfectly fine to start with*.

I was quite happy in my own little bubble listening to BIg Band Music and crooning away.

In the evening, I met The Disciple and The Doctor tonight for dinner and drinks. Despite my best efforts to be careful (drinking only water for the first hour), I still ended up quite p1shed. Running is not doing my drinking tolerance any favours. One glass of wine is going to be my limit soon.

It was good catching up with the guys. They always make me laugh a lot and they are easy company. The Disciple missed his train (by waiting on the wrong platform) and ran back to the pub just as we were about to head home. He INSISTED that we had to stay for another hour until the next train was due. It is ALL his fault that we were wobbly!


*I should apply for a job on that Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners tv programme. I would fit right in.

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