Getting ready...
I did some acrylic paintings, using brayers and palette knives a few weeks ago, and i liked this one that is off to the right of the photo. so i decided to take a larger pieces of paper and do something similar, not copying it...but using it as inspiration. this is just the first layer of acrylic paint using a brayer. next will come the pastels.
Funny thing happened the other day! As i've mentioned in my last blip, i have put my back into spasm and have had to stop working and do a lot of laying down flat, taking meds, and using a hot water bottle for some relief. After i posted that blip i received a call from a very dear and much missed friend from Muskoka.....Anne and I hadn't been in touch for perhaps 4-5 years, for no other reason than time has gone by way faster than either of us realised! Well, because she 'lurks' on my blip journal and realised i was dealing with a painful back, she felt inspired to call me. She had a similar situation a few months ago and wanted to recommend a book that made all the difference to her. So here is a link to Esther Gokhale and one of her youtube videos! I am so excited to have discovered her and her work! The book should arrive next week and i am on a quest to change the way i view my posture! And all this because of blip....pretty cool eh.
Had a brief massage with Rae yesterday and she gave me some exercises to do....feeling like this won't go on forever now, and have given over to my discomfort and am letting myself rest!
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