
...disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business....

The keynote this morning unfolds without my presence, but not due to sleep. I have work to do ;( - which I complete five minutes before breakfast ends.

Arjan tells some lovely stories about his journey from developer to manager. There’s nuggets of wisdom a-plenty. He’s still not entirely sure that he wouldn’t prefer being a developer again, though.

During the lunch break Caroline runs a Codeclub session. They merged with CoderDojo last year, which removes some confusing redundancy. Clare and I work in Scratch, creating a shrinking, colour-shifting, speeding spaceship.

Rob tells me about the exciting possibilities that Sixty North are considering. Let’s just say drones and lasers might play a part, although no partnership with the military-industrial complex is envisaged.

To wrap up, Eoin walks us through OWASP’s top 10 web app vulnerabilities. He also showcases some freely available tools that test how secure an app is. Conveniently, they double up as powerful attack tools. Gamekeeper turned poacher?

Another excellent selection of lightning talks. Rob showcases counterintuitive research on inclusion. Chris has another selection of visual puns, delivered deadpan. John relaunches the Dan Saks const-consistency proposal, which Phil swiftly takes much further.

The conference dinner is magic-themed. Food, wine, Russel with a staff, magician with the patter. It’s all good, and ends up in the bar.

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