Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Tuesday — Weather Change

This afternoon we met our new friend Vivian at Morro Bay Inn for Happy Hour. We met Vivian for the first time last summer when she and her dog Pippin were enjoying lunch at the garden patio of the Cafe on Bridge Street in Cambria. Somehow we discovered that afternoon that Vivian lives in a house that is numbered 545 and so do we. So we decided that day that we are in the “545 Club.”

Several weeks after that Vivian and Pippin showed up at our place unannounced and we had a delightful meeting. I was busy feeding the three pups lunch when Vivian showed-up that day. So as our dogs ate their lunch behind the closed half-door leading into our kitchen, Vivian brought Pippin, a therapy dog, into the house. When they finished eating lunch, our dogs were fascinated with Pippin, who was so calm and very patient with the sniffing noses of our three little pups.

So today after taking a long walk on the sand, we phoned Vivian to see if she was available to meet us at Morro Bay Inn. She was available and we were delighted.

Eight weeks ago in mid-February, Vivian had to say goodbye to Pippin when she became ill and the vet discovered she had a terminable disease. Vivian had let us know a couple weeks later by mailing us a card with a photo of Pippin. We were shocked at the news and knew Vivian was devastated. So it was good to be with her today and to talk about the good memories of Pippin.

During our hour+ together today, the change in weather was vivid. The first photo was taken at 4:36 and the later photo with the fog moving in was taken at 5:06.

That’s my Tuesday story,
Rosie (& Mr.Fun), aka Carol

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