A place in time

By Verbosa

Sizing the joint

A terrific line dance class today.  Who needs the gym when you can get hot & sweaty while having fun dancing to music? 

Then it was over to pick up Mum and head off for a lovely lunch out.

On the spur of the moment, we drove over to look at the retirement apartments built right near to eyecatching (in fact, I spotted his lady-with-the-lovely-hair when we were there...but didn't want to rush up to her and appear stalker-ish!).  The apartments are stunning inside, and are much larger than her present retirement apartment, but oh dear - the outside garden space on the three available ground floor properties is dismal as it sits alongside a huge Jewson warehouse, so I doubt any light will reach inside the properties on that side.  It's such a shame as Mum was very taken with the internals.  Hey ho.  I guess her south facing corner garden apartment doesn't seem so bad after all?

Thought for the day:

"The grass is always greener on the other side." (Proverb)

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