the colour green

By jukeys

duvet day

This is the first time Marius has had a duvet. He usually sleeps in a sleeping bag type thing - mainly so he can’t kick it off. But he’s now got a lovely, warm duvet. This was him during his nap today. Hopefully tonight he’ll keep it on so he doesn’t wake up cold.

Pierre and dad went to cut up some wood this morning whilst I started packing for our trip to Marseille tomorrow. My sister-in-law has lost her grandmother so we’re going to the funeral in a place called Luynes. After that, we’ll spend the weekend in Marseille.

Pierre’s course hasn’t worked out :( We’re really disappointed, but perhaps it’s a ‘mal pour un bien’ and it’ll mean him finding something better. He found out on Monday. It’s such a shame because he put so much work into it.

The good news is that this afternoon one of the local employment agencies phoned him and asked him to come in as they are looking for people for various positions coming up soon. We’ll see what comes of it.

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