A Sunny Day at Last!

I woke up quite early and was tempted to turn over and go back to sleep, but  I saw that it was a nice morning and decided to get up and go to the beach.  The plan was to see if there was a nice sunrise, but it was actually quite hazy, so I turned my attention to the sea.  It wasn't actually windy and the sea was relatively calm, but the tide was starting to come in so there was a swell which caused it to crash against this groyne.

There was a lady sat leaning on the groyne facing the sun, meditating, so I apologised if I was disturbing her - she probably wondered why I had to choose that spot to take photos when there's so much beach! Anyway, I got home just before 8am so had plenty of time to have breakfast and get ready for work.  

At lunch time I went for a walk down to the beach again, and it was so warm that I had to take my jacket off - now that's a first, and about time too!  There were so many people out on the promenade and the beach and one lady was lay sunbathing in her bra and knickers, I don't think it was that warm though!   I found a spot and sat leaning on one of the groynes which acted as a nice shelter from the wind.  The only downside was that there were lots of tiny little flies, sand flies I guess.  

When I left work this afternoon, the thermometer said it was 18 degrees, fingers crossed this temperature is here to stay!  It's rather windy in our garden though as it's a north wind which comes straight across the fields.  I'm going to go and mow the grass now though as with all the rain it's grown a lot in the last couple of weeks.  Then tonight Chrissy and Alison are coming round for a girls night in - we're doing dinner between us, Alison has made a Moussaka, I've done the salad and Chrissy is bringing dessert.

Today it's my mother in law's birthday and she reads my journal so Happy Birthday Norma!

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