The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Cooped Up

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I am in full on cabin fever mode. Murphy has to be lead walked for a week until his paw is properly healed. He is very bored and frustrated. He is choosing to convey this by sitting in front of us and barking. Almost all day. He won’t even play. He cried outside the bathroom because I decided to go for a wazz in peace. He has also had a vomiting reaction to his painkillers. Poor dude.

It was freezing and rainy so in order to stop The Princesses going potty, we decided to do some baking. A batch of chocolate & banana muffins and an apple cake later and we were feeling much better.

Cake fixes everything. Especially with a big mug of tea. And a sleeping dog.


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