
By TBay

Tractor Tuesday.

I was rather pleased when I saw little Miss and Mr Tbay heading off for a little drive around the establishment as it provided a very nice tractor shot for today. Easy!

Another day of sunshine and showers and still no prospect of any horses being able to go out. Ditto much of the livestock around here. Mr Tbay Jnr did try a bit of rolling but alas it was still too wet.

Farming - Two on compost hauling.

I purchased a rather nice Edwardian display cabinet from eBay last week. It was rather a gamble as I was not too sure it it would fit in the alcove in our dinning room. But for the £50 I paid for it I was prepared to take the risk. James went to Teingmouth to pick it up and it only just fitted into the car! Once Home and it the house it became apparent that the vendor had not quite got his measurements right and it is a tiny bit too wide and a bit too tall! Oops! Solution ? Get a cabinet maker to MAKE it fit in the hole. So this afternoon a very nice lady came and has agreed to make the adjustments needed. Hoorah!! Disaster averted!

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