The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Zombie Binge

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was in full on holiday mode today. I took Murphy on a huge walk this morning and had one of those lovely times where I felt as if there was nothing else that I would rather be doing and nowhere else I would rather be. I think walking Murphy is like my form of meditation.

Eldest Mini Princess and I finished watching the first series of Santa Clarita Diet (and a few of the second series). It might be one of the funniest things I have ever watched. EMP loves it too. It’s very quirky and very sweary. Drew Barrymore is just brilliant in it.

EMP and I were in complete binge watching mode and I was quite annoyed when it was bedtime and I couldn’t watch more episodes. Prior to having children, there were a few nights that I would sit up through the night to finish a box set* but I’m pretty sure that encouraging your tired child to do that isn’t a good thing.


*I particularly remember doing that with Buffy and Angel. Oh yes, I was that cool kid.

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