
By Legacy

Day of New

This spot is one of the several street food places that have popped up in our area in the last year or so. Frankly, I've always been frightened of street food which probably has something to do with the fact that I don't live in a big city where there's a lot of it. Recently, one of our local magazines did an article on some of the street food vendors and I was embarrased that I had discounted them so cavalierly. This is one I pass frequently so today I threw caution to the wind and bought a "Serious Pig Sandwich", of which the pig could really be proud if he were still around. I'll be going back for the ribs.

The second new thing I did today was attend a concert all by myself. The venue was the rotunda room of our local museum, a lovely, fairly intimate setting, and the artist was Bob Milne "considered to be the best ragtime/boogie-woogie pianist in the world". I happen to be a real ragtime fan and while I would have loved to have had somebody to share the experience with, it was alone or not at all, so once again I threw caution to the wind. Well, let me tell you, Mr. Milne is a treasure and I spent about two hours in ragtime heaven. The man is unbelievable so trust me, even if you aren't a ragtime fan, if you ever get a chance to see him perform, don't miss it, and be sure to sit where you can see his hands.

I know these don't seem like major new things, and I won't go into the backstory that makes the fact that I took a couple of steps out of my comfort zone significant to me. Just suffice it to say that I did two brand new things all by myself today and I'm a better woman for it.

I hope my fellow blippers had a good day too.

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