Time Stands Still For No Man....
Morning All,
.........but it can be 'put back' once a year!!! ;0)
Who forgot??? ;0)
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst - William Penn.......and we can never get enough off !!! ;0)
What is GMT?
GMT is an absolute time reference & doesn't change with the seasons.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was established in 1884 at the International Meridian Conference, when it was decided to place the Prime Meridian at Greenwich, England.
Greenwich has been the home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) since 1884. GMT is sometimes called Greenwich Meridian Time because it is measured from the Greenwich Meridian Line at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.
Where is Greenwich, England?
Longitude 0° 0' 0" Latitude 51° 28' 38"N (North of the Equator)
Clocks Change: Spring Forward & Fall Back (Fall = Autumn)
BUT GMT remains the same all year around.
The Greenwich Meridian (Prime Meridian or Longitude Zero degrees) marks the starting point of every time zone in the World. GMT is Greenwich Mean (or Meridian) Time is the mean (average) time that the earth takes to rotate from noon-to-noon.
GMT is World Time and the basis of every world time zone which sets the time of day and is at the centre of the time zone map. GMT sets current time or official time around the globe. Most time changes are measured by GMT. Although GMT has been replaced by atomic time (UTC) it is still widely regarded as the correct time for every international time zone.
Greenwich is the place from where all time zones are measured.
London Time is the same as Greenwich Mean Time less than half of the year. During Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time), London Time is GMT+1, also known as British Summer Time (BST).
Why do we change the clocks to Summer Time?
The idea of a better use of daylight originates with Benjamin Franklin, one of America's Founding Fathers. He calculated that the citizens of Paris, France were burning 127 million candles per year unnecessarily each year.
In 1968 to 1971 Britain tried the experiment of keeping BST - to be called British Standard Time - throughout the year, largely for commercial reasons because Britain would then conform to the time kept by other European Countries. This was not good for the school children of Scotland as it meant they had to always go to School in the dark. The experiment was eventually abandoned in 1972, Britain has kept GMT in winter and BST in summer. ;0)
I now no longer need to add 1 hour to the tide charts at work......what it says is what it is now....calculating that extra hour is just too much work lol ;0)
Oh well ...an extra hour of overtime I suppose....13 hour shift is long enough, 14 hours...dear god !! For those who slpept the night away.....I hope you benefitted from the extra hour...!! ;0)
I'm off to bed ;0)
Have a great day ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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