Modern and Ancient

Not the best photo, technically, but just love that little crossed leg. Zion and Allegra amusing themselves in a very 21st C way in between two very much older wine amphorae, while we all drank red wine from those vessels and listened to the men sing cante in the Adega Velha.

The Adega being the finishing point of our prayer walk around Mourão; we walked round, asking God's blessing on the market, the agriculture, the fishing, the schools, the political parties, all sorts... and up to the finished chapel for a final look and prayers of thankfulness.  An extra of us up there, with the new painted door (all the rest of our work is inside). The town Council will have to whitewash the outside...

The team invited the Padre for dinner tonight. Good time, asking him about Catholicism. Ended up with him inviting us all down to his to watch bullfighting on his telly... yet another new experience for all of them.

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