Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

My Silly Piper

It snowed all day yesterday but not much of it stuck.  It was enough to make Piper happy, though.  I gave her a biscuit and opened the back door and she went right out and laid in the middle of it.  In the meantime, her dad decided to shovel the deck and she refused to move so he had to shovel around her.  She was still there when I left for a haircut half an hour later.  Silly girl!  Many thanks to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturdays!

This is also my shot for blipdogs2018, a great idea for a challenge, explained here by jensphotos.  Thanks, Jen!

We lost our wonderful Australian Shepherd, Yoshi, in February 2012.  We were heartbroken and convinced that we could never love another dog as much.  We weren't looking for another dog.  We decided that, if it was meant to be, the right dog would find us.

In April, we drove to Minnesota to visit our friend, Roger.  We spent 2 weeks with him and a few days before we were going to leave, his son and DiL stopped in.  They got out of their car followed by their dog and Piper.  Their daughter is the founder of an animal rescue in Minneapolis called Secondhand Hounds and they had agreed to foster her until she found her forever home.  She was about year old at the time.  It was love at first sight!  She loved us and we loved her and she was in our backseat heading for Colorado two days later.  Serendipity!!

So now, 6 years later, we are celebrating her 7th birthday.  We  didn't know the actual date so we decided on April 15th since that's the day she came home with us.  She is the sweetest, softest, most loving dog and she keeps us entertained and makes us very happy!  

I am grateful that we waited for the right dog to find us!


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