Day 097/18. Spring is definately close....
Our lawn has a number of our nesting Tawny Mining Bees emerging from their burrows today, a real sign of spring approaching.
Miner bees are not social in that they do not live in colonies, however they to live in groups but each has their own burrow. We sometimes have 50+ on our lawn, each about the size of a Bumble Bee (which are social).
Miner bees can sting, but this is very rare and the sting will not usually penetrate human skin. They are generally harmless and good for your garden – pollinating plants and aerating soil. But wearing shoes in the garden is a good idea, as they might sting if you tread on them.
When I get close to them with my macro lens (10cm or so) they do sometimes rear up on their legs and threaten me (as this one is). Their eyesight is pretty good.
Extra image is one coming at me through the undergrowth. Just imagine had nature turned out a little different and bees were 1 metre size !!!
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