
By CB155

Hidden treasure

In contrast to yesterday's snow, it was a lovely calm sunny day today. I was in a local fishing village sketching at the 17th century harbour and on my rounds I discovered this fantastic hidden gem of a cafe/ye olde curiosity shoppe tucked away down a vennel. Crafts, antiques, collectables and original artwork all beautifully displayed in a warmly lit stone cavernous building which made me feel like I was investigating a secret bunker. I got chatting to the owner at length, a lovely lady from South Africa settled here 10 years ago. It was interesting to swap travel tales and hear of her love for ceramic restoration and collecting all things arty along the way. She invited me back for a night of music coming up she has planned, a folk night where she will be serving her speciality pirate pies! I will definitely be back. It certainly was a golden find.

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