split / communications

By splitcomms

Darkness is easy

Went out for some night time photography last night.
For once I actually came away with five shots to choose from, which is something of a rarity when i go out not really knowing what I'm going to shoot.
As a result, it has been genuinely difficult to decide which image to upload as my blip, but i finally decided on this one. It's not the greatest shot in the world, but i do like the hues of the bushes surrounding the road.
For the record, the title of the image isn't me saying I find shooting at night really easy! It's a reference to the Lo Fidelity Allstars album of the same name, which was my soundtrack to the evening, and reminds me of seeing them in a very sweaty annexe at Bugged Out! at nation back in 2001 i think. Probably the loudest I had ever heard it in there.

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