
At last I got up to the Chapel the team are working on, and got them started on actual painting. Mike has been busy working on top of the scaffolding, so not really able to supervise - it'll be a miracle if they finish the job - but I do believe in miracles...

Have been grateful, though, to have relaxed time with my precious grandkids back at the Land, and get the lunch ready for when the workers arrive.

Drove to Reguengos for more paint, limewash, and food, and then offered to deliver it to the bottom of the stairs going up to the Chapel. Once I'd parked, realised I'd have to back all the way down the narrow, winding country lane (with a fair drop on one side). Gulp. The girls inside were brilliant at telling me which way to turn the steering wheel, but I think we were all relieved when we made it to where I could turn round.

The team are not the only ones being pushed beyond their comfort zone.

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