It bee a flower

A lovely chinwag with Nicoisannie, who called round for coffee this morning, although I have to say she seemed very interested in the garden birds.

I was very overdressed for my walk this afternoon, it being positively balmy.  Lots of interesting things in the insect world to blip.  A false bee, a fly and another fly (I will "swat" up on them), a tiny spider, lots of pollen beetles and two lacewings.

Celandine, wood anemone, primroses, violets and bluebells.  Just a few, and I had to look hard for them, and they are so early.  Unbelievable.  See extra if you don't believe me.

Today it had to be this sleepy bumble bee on one of my hyacinths for Flower Friday.  It looks better in large view.

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