
By RobBris50

St Nicks Market and The Downs.

The extra is todays image. Sunrise was disappointing so had a walk around the older areas of the city. One of the great aspects of being out early is the lack of people. St Nicks Market is often crowded and full of the smells of the food from the market stalls. It's great being in the city when it's peaceful and you can watch the city wake up.

The main image is last nights sunset. The three trees are my favourite ones on the Downs and may feature in a future wide angled challenge. My dad said they were called 'The Three Sisters' and we often walked past them on our walks.

It's  just over a week to goto the Bristol Blipmeet and we've already had many confirmations. If people could confirm by email me (who haven't aready) that would be great so that we have an idea of numbers etc. My email is I will also let you have my mobile number.  If the weather looks bad we will cancel the Wednesday before (to give people the opportunity to change plans). Cheers Rob

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