Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Old Moss activating protective instincts with Fudge the ewe who had a wee dead lamb so (sorry if you are squeamish but this is how it's done) so I skinned it and put the skin on the wee twin I had to lift yesterday to fool the ewe that it was her lamb. A dog helps them to protect rather than question the miracle!! She instantly took to her new lamb and the lamb went straight in for a sook. I was just mustering the strength to manhandle or womanhandle the ewe into the pen in the shed. She took quite a bit of catching with Breagh and I in the field. By the time we had her we were miles from the buggy. Shouted Pip to bring it over. She did not... tied the ewe up to stop her getting away and went and got the buggy leaving Breagh in charge of the ewe. Anyway all good so far. 

Before that I had routine rounds and feeding just get in the door and get phone call from farm where we manage the livestock. Husband has a hypothermic calf in their bath and can I bring emergency supplies. When I get there calf is still in the warm bath and slowly getting warmer. Husband is having to hold his head out the water. I come over and try to put some healing into it and within 5 minutes he started to lift his own head out the water then the next thing he's getting upright and gives and almighty roar. We took him out dried him with towels then I set to with the hairdryer to get him as dry and warm as possible. We stomach tubed him with milk and I sat with him keeping him warm while husband went back to get the cow into the shed ready for him. He's looking so much better tonight. Not great at sooking milk from her so we helped him get more this evening and have left the pair quiet.

I also fed the deer and it was snowy with them. We didn't eat anything until 3pm. Just didn't stop since 5.45am until then. A long day but some successes thankfully. Just have a snack then off to bed.

5c cold wind but sunshine in the afternoon.

Extras are deer in snow and said calf.

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