The eagle has landed

Wednesday 4th April 2018 (2040)

SueT came over today and we went to Knowsley Safari Park. We managed to dodge the rain quite well. We did two circuits of the safari drive and then stopped for lunch before going to see the birds of prey. 

This is taken through a wire fence but is SOOC, not even a crop. I was pleased with the way it came out. It still fascinates me how the fence can "disappear". 

We then went back round the safari drive, by which time the lions had stirred. As it wasn't too busy at that time we managed to go round the lion enclosure three times.  Then it was back home for a cuppa and a review of our photos.

Sue has now left and I am about to be taken out for my "birthday" meal and then we're going to the cinema to see Murder on the Orient Express. 

A good day of holiday but nothing crossed off the "to do" list.

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