dik dik

By dikdik


Today was simultaneously interesting and mundane. It was just like most Wednesdays, up at 8:20 and class until 2:50. But around half way through my into my first class, intro toenvironmental studies, I had an existential crisis. What was the point of learning this? Why was I even going to college? To learn? But whats the point of learning?! This continued on for the rest of class....but sometime during my next class (philosophy of environment) I somehow managed to quell my fear of a meaningless existence, because honestly this learning thing is fun, and that's what its all about.

I also realize that I'm only 19 and don't know shit about shit, but at least I know about youtube videos of a baby playing for four hours compressed into two minutes. I bet Immanuel Kant never saw that before!

I also managed to snap this photo of Dooley in between classes, I guess now we're even for the portrait she took of my yesterday.

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