Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I had a quiet day at home, just a wander down to the dam and the woods in the afternoon. 

There were a few more signs of spring: my first Chiff-chaff (heard) & Wood Anenome, Lesser Celandine and Butterbur in bloom. There were three pairs of Tufted Duck on the dam and back up on the moor my first Oystercatcher of the year peeped at me as it flew overhead.

I'd been hoping for enough warm, sunny spells for some more butterflies, but no luck so I'm still without a sighting in my local patch. The brief sunshine did catch this bracket fungus nicely though, and perhaps it's tiny enough for Tiny Tuesday.

I'm back in work again tomorrow but just for a day before having the kids again for the tail end of the week.

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