Day 5 of the hollibobs

Back to reality as daddy headed off to work
We pottered and then headed to the shop to get supplies. From here we headed to malvern - couldn’t park in secret location (it’s not very secret obviously!). Parked and walked up to the theatre. Located grandma and auntie Katie. Watched peter rabbit. Wom loved it although he did cover his ears a few times. Munchie did really well, she ended up on my lap for about the last twenty minutes, but it was quite explosive and loud! So proud she managed a whole film.

From here we headed to croome.

Picnic lunch eaten, then met up with munchies old nursery friend. Within five minutes it was like they had never been apart. Ended up sitting outside putting the world to rights whilst wom munchie and India played.

Tea was cooked and ready

Quite rest of day.

Tomorrow should be a quieter day!

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