Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

Partial Transparency

Playing around with my pinhole lens.
There seems to be a magic wall in every house. This one is in our garden and produces beautiful shadows during the morning. My first hunch was that these shadows are directly related to the sunlight that falls through the leaves of our trees, but you can imagine how surprised I was when I discovered that some of these shadows work the other way round: it's them that fall through things (including my modest body) and tend to dissolve surrounding physical appearances... 
Brazilians know that physical, spiritual and magical spheres are not separate realms. They are interwoven and manifest themselves inside each other - for a non initiated person like me, in a seemingly random way (why, for example, does it take a pinhole lens to make these strange shadows visible?). I will explore this further.

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