Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Spokes Ride to Gifford, White Easter

First Sunday of the month. Thankfully not much snow overnight, and not much ice either. On the way down to the start,I stop at the Harvest Garden to pick up some chocolate eggs for the participants on the ride.

A cold but sunny start, which was also in to the wind. We cycle down to Musselburgh, then we followed the River Esk to Whitecraig.  It was on to the Dalkeith railway path for akm or two before turning south and cycle route to Crossgatehall. Here we headed up to Cousland. A bit of a climb, so it helps to be in the correct gear.

We stopped to look at the Shetland ponies at Cousland (I'll Scratch your back, Extra). There's a nice descent to the Pencaitland road, followed fora short distance, thence on to the Humbie road. We turn left to head for East Saltoun. The hail started first, in to the face, which stayed with us to West Saltoun. There is a slight lull which we regroup. Cycling from East Saltoun to Gifford, snow was the main feature. Head down and pedal.

Everyone was relieved to get to the lunch spot. We had lunch at the excellent Lanterne Rouge café. Thankfully I had phoned ahead to save a table. Excellent food at cheap prices (you also get free coffee refills)

After lunch, we head north to Haddington, then we followed the River Tyne to Samuelston. The cycling much easier now the wind was a crosswind or a tailwind. Heading north from Samuelston to Longniddry along quiet country roads. No snow now. In fact it is almost spring like. Lovely views behind us to the Lammermuirs, as in my blip above, and in front down to the coast and across the Forth to Fife. Nice easy riding along the coast road from Seton Sands to Musselburgh, where we retraced our tracks along the Innocent railway path, the ride ending at Middle Meadow walk.

Just over 81km. To see the route animated, click this link here: Spokes Ride to Gifford

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