Never mind the weather

The weather today has been dreadful - wind, sleet etc. But we were not perturbed. A morning at the swimming pool and waffles for lunch. Then the two oldest went off with their Grandad to Carlisle to watch football. They agreed to pose with their scarves before they set off - see extra.

Mum went out for a long walk with the dog - they did not meet anyone else - how surprising! The village was thronging with walkers yesterday. 

And the youngest and I did lots of things - she  remembered how to do finger knitting and made a snake. Then she learnt how to sew, moving from stitching a paper plate to actual fabric. She did amazingly well, learning to thread her needle and start new thread. How proud she was that she could sew. We did some cutting and sticking, made a book and continued with the jigsaw, which is proving tricky but everyone is having a go and it is coming along. 

So, weather - what weather!!

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