The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Let’s Skip That

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today, Basher, Lovely Shuvly, The Prince and I went out for a late lunch to celebrate Old Nick and Skippy’s first wedding anniversary. The chosen venue was The Bonham as they had stayed there on the night of their wedding. My last memory of being there is leaving the residents bar at 6 am!

The chat and wine were free flowing. Old Nick amused us by telling us about when he and Skippy went to see Al Murray doing his Pub Landlord stand up. They had agreed in advance to sit somewhere inconspicuous to ensure that neither of them would be dragged on stage. Unfortunately, after a few glasses of wine, Skippy failed to remember this and when there was a request for volunteers, she jumped up and shouted excitedly that her husband was the man for the job.

To his horror, Al Murray agreed and Old Nick had to get up on stage and don a Sumo Santa suit. He then had to run around, drink a pint of milk, eat a carrot and down a whisky whilst being mocked by a professional comedian.

To add to his woes, Skippy had a recording which she gleefully shared with us.

The afternoon went on slightly longer than expected. We realised at 7 that the Mini Princesses might be hungry and very responsibly ordered them a pizza delivery! Pretty sure that might not be in the ‘great parenting’ manual. It was quite funny to receive a row from my children about coming in an hour late!

The afternoon was good fun but I have made a mental note NEVER to go to see anything in the Fringe with Skippy.


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