The wee fella and I...

...had company at Church today for Easter Sunday service. The Rooster and MrR joined us...the oldest two proving too difficult to move.

Whilst I would have loved to have all four of my children there it was part way through the service where these two were sitting quietly and listening that I thought maybe the combination we had this morning was just right. I think sometimes in Church the four of them can either wind each other up or distract each other with nonsense. As it was the four of us enjoyed a nice hour together and a nice service:-)

Wee wander in the afternoon to roll their eggs...joined by the sister on that occasion. As egg rolling at Easter goes we were fairly fortunate with the weather today. It was mild! At Easter Sunday’s before where we’ve jumped out the car, quickly rolled our eggs and then retreated quick, smart before the frost bite and hypothermia took a grip ;-)

Managed to persuade the Buncle to join us for Easter dinner...salmon en croute prepared by MrR and the Rooster. He also joined us for a wee Sunday night movie...”Wonder”...loved it...if you haven’t seen it seek it out soon.

Grateful for a bright and sunny Easter Sunday spent with MrR and the Barmy Army.

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