Cosmic soup

Vikki and Cameron spent a few hours with us before they headed north again for Aberdeen.

We started the day with brunch at Leo's Beanery. The food was lovely, but the service rather strange. Although most likely not intending offence, one of the waitresses ticked me off rather sharply (and certainly without humour) for misreading the specials menu. I had understood the scrawled hand-written word 'chorizo' as 'choice'. I didn't react openly to the chastisement, but inside I was screaming 'I'm not stupid, and anyway, that hand-writing is terrible!'

Back at the house we introduced Vikki and Cameron to Catan. As predicted, Vikki loved it; Cameron was not so keen. Vikki won the first game (just), and I won the second. Vikki, now addicted, wanted to play again, but there wasn't time because we had tickets for an event that started at 3pm at the Science Festival.

The event was a lecture on code-breaking hosted by the National Museum of Scotland. Unfortunately it was not as good as we hoped because the lecture content was incomplete, and the visual aids poor. This was not a question of the speaker presenting above the level of understanding of the Science Festival audience. Rather he simply failed to take us through the necessary steps to support his line of argument, and did not provide enough worked examples to prove the points that he was trying to make. He would have done better to tell us more about less. I did, however, capture a blip at the end of his talk :-)

We were sad to see Vikki and Cameron leave, unsure as to when or where we will see them next.

It's been a busy, and somewhat exhausting, few days. I plan to take next week a lot easier.

Exercise today: walking (11,314 steps).

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