
By Cari

Wild Rooster

Today was a good day! I got up with the sun and went for a walk on the beach. Even at that early hour it was muggy and warm. Sunny but dark skies on the horizon. We decided to drive to the other end of the island and hoped to end up seeing Waimea Canyon. I came here with hardly any summer clothes so we stopped at a couple stores to find a few things. Then the rain hit. It rained and rained and rained...very hard! We thought maybe we had taken a wrong turn and driven back to Oregon!! :o) The only difference is that it is warm rain here. Decided to keep going despite the rain. We made a side trip to go to Spouting Horn which is a blow hole in the rocks. We weren't too impressed as we have on the Oregon Coast the blow hole at Depot Bay that is pretty spectacular! Still cool to see. Right near there was a botanical garden. I took about 15-20 minutes and walked through taking lots of photos of the beautiful tropical flowers and plants and also the cute green geckos :)
This was during a break in the rain. Just as we headed back out towards the canyon the rain started again coming down in buckets!! Got to the turn off to the canyon and made our way up. It is about 11 curvy miles up the side of the mountain but happily the rain stopped. Got to the lookout at the top and there it was. I was warned not to go in the afternoon but....FOG. Covering the canyon. I got a few shots as it cleared then fogged in. We are going to go back this weekend in the morning when it is suppose to be clearer. From what I saw, it is well worth the drive back up!!! Absolutely gorgeous!

Why did I post a photo of a rooster when I am in Hawaii????
Well, the funny thing is that there are roosters and chickens all over the island. I mean hundreds and hundreds all over! Come to find out, back in 1992 when Kauai was directly hit by category 5 Hurricane Iniki, all the farms with chickens and roosters were blown all over and they over the years have made more chickens and roosters and have gone wild. They are seriously everywhere. So, here is a rooster for your enjoyment!

It is hard to edit and view all my photos on my laptop so i will be posting all my photos to my website when I get home next week. However, I will be posting more "Hawaii'ish" photos in the next few days!

Tomorrow, the 27th, is our anniversary. We have no specific plans but looking forward to seeing what the day brings :)

Happy Friday

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