April Fool

Firstly, the photo. Taken 6 years ago, it came up in Memories on my Facebook feed and I had to use it. It really was a case of in the right place at the right time, and was take on a Nokia phone. Still one of my favourites.

I noticed Alf in his garden, I thought he was away for Easter and so invited him to dinner today. He’s such a sweetie, and always so appreciative.

Best bit of my day.......

1st of April and as usual when I am not at work I lingered in my bed. Mr L was up, showered and making breakfast (about 8:30am). We were expecting friends to phone at sometime during the day To arrange to pop in as they are on a mini break just a few miles from us. Suddenly, Dog went mad, barking and yapping. This is normal! Every time someone passes by, especially if they have a dog with them. Today, however Mr L shouted ‘they’re here, S & R are here!’ Well, I leapt out that bed and grabbed a dressing gown, I couldn’t believe anyone would call that early without phoning! Mr L was laughing! This is not normal! He is usually very grumpy ( grandkids call him Granddad Grump).’ April fool ‘ he yelled at me. I had the good grace to laugh, after I slapped him round a bit (Joke)! about time I got up then, and made my way to the shower. There I was singing away when he knocked on the bathroom door, ‘R’ is here he said. Haha said I, You can’t do the same April fool twice. ‘No, really’ he said. Haha I said!! and then I listened. Not only was R here, but also his son and grandson. Friend S was not going to be able to pop in today, so had sent her menfolk with some early birthday flowers instead. I’m not sure who was most embarrassed, me in all my glory of towel and dripping hair, or them for having to converse with me like that!

Folks, if you’re reading this, remember to always phone first!!

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