Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Not what we are after. And a major surprise. In 6 years we've had 3 sets of triplets this being the fourth our ewes just aren't that prolific. And these three are a good size too!! We don't even get that many twins. Already got 2 pairs of those!. New Suffolk twins this morning needed in as one had got stuck behind a rock so was cold and weak and theirs mothers milk was a bit slow. Gave them colostrum substitute and put a heat lamp in their pen and in a couple of hours looked much better. We have topped them up a couple times more in the day. Not sure what we are doing with the triplets. For now she has enough milk to feed them all. Also had 3 more single lambs today a lambsplosion on easter Sunday. 

After breakfast and countless lambing rounds and feeding we had to go back to the farm where we manage the livestock to bring in a calf that hadn't sooked. We brought them all in and tagged and treated the 5 calves at the same time. Husband got the calf sooking fine and we have kept them in the pen overnight to be sure that it's still managing on its own. 

7c sunshine all day.

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