We Are The Egg Men.....

There is a little known sect here in Scotland, who believe that we are descended from chickens. (I suppose, when you think about it, it's no less ridiculous than starting off as creatures which crawled out of the sea.)

The sect is quite small now, but it used to be the main belief in Scotland (which is why the old name for this country is 'Alba'....from 'albumen'.)

This lovely building is the oldest survivng temple of the sect. Once a week, when the cock (currently Derek from the local off-licence) crows, the followers dress up in their finest feathers and run anti clockwise round the building clucking, as one of their leaders (dressed as a fox) chases them.

It's quite a sight, but difficult to photograph; the sect is notoriously private, ever since one of their members decided they were actually descended from pigeons and staged a coop.

Happy Easter........

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