Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Got woken at 5am with a lot of scratching. I was hoping that it was a mouse going into the box to eat the bait.

Got up at 9.25 with voices in the stair; presuming it was the cavity wall insulation company. Ready to do their thing. I was told I had to stay in for the day.
The door went and I was told there was a mix up and they expected the scaffolding to be up, it wasn't. So it has to be rescheduled.

Supermarket, then shops to buy a few things for Lewis' birthday and for the baby.

I kept getting texts, messages and photos from Kelly saying they were at Edinburgh Castle and Science Festival. I didn't need that.

Home to sleep, decline in mood, too much thinking, self harm and sleep again.

Oh and it rained today.

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