The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

No Service

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was very excited. I was going out after work. Straight from work. I have only done this a handful of times since the Mini Princesses have been on the scene.

Rod and I had arranged to meet Dodzilla and The Bottomless Pit for beers in The Hanover Tap. We have decided to try to catch up like this once a month now that Dodzilla and TBP have left to ensure that we all keep in touch. We ordered food and I was feeling quite sensible and having water every second round.

One of the guys declared a toast - to his newly pregnant wife which put everyone in great spirits but may have led to overexcitement.

The decision by Rod to start shots definitely tipped us over the edge. Rod and Dodzilla were a bit further down the path to oblivion and they went off to buy a round of Sambucca. Dodzilla was carrying them on a tray from the bar and in a complete comedy moment, stumbled just as he got to the table. All of the little shot glasses were rolling about the tray which was now swimming in Sambucca.

He returned to the bar with the intention of replacing them, but the (very nice) bar staff explained that they considered that a couple of people at the table had probably had enough and they weren’t going to be dispensing any more alcohol to him.

I was crying with laughter. I honestly can’t remember the last time that I was out for a drink and someone in my company was refused service because they were too p1shed. The dormant 20 year old in me felt that this deserved a lot of kudos!

It was a really funny night. The conversation was decidedly low brow but hilarious.

I wonder if getting refused at the bar is the benchmark for the next night out?


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